Sabtu, 19 Februari 2022



Assalamu'alaikum, sahabat SIMOR.

saya akan sharing bagaimana cara cek data mentah dari GPS neo6 dengan ESP32. 
Pertama siapkan bahan dulu (esp32, kabel usb micro, kabel jumper, GPS neo6)
Kedua - Wiring sesuai gambar  di atas
Ketiga - Upload koding dibawah ini

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial ss(18, 19);

void setup(){

void loop(){
  while (ss.available() > 0){
    // get the byte data from the GPS
    byte gpsData =;

Keempat - Cek data di serial monitor.  (coba ditunggu hingga gps neonya kedip", sambil nunggu minum kopi)

110617 – represents the time at which the fix location was taken, 11:06:17 UTC
41XX.XXXXX,N – latitude 41 deg XX.XXXXX’ N
00831.54761,W – Longitude 008 deg 31.54761′ W
1 – fix quality (0 = invalid; 1= GPS fix; 2 = DGPS fix; 3 = PPS fix; 4 = Real Time Kinematic; 5 = Float RTK; 6 = estimated (dead reckoning); 7 = Manual input mode; 8 = Simulation mode)
05 – number of satellites being tracked
2.68 – Horizontal dilution of position
129.0, M – Altitude, in meters above the sea level
50.1, M – Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84 ellipsoid
empty field – time in seconds since last DGPS update
empty field – DGPS station ID number
*42 – the checksum data, always begins with *
The other NMEA sentences provide additional information:

$GPGSA – GPS DOP and active satellites
$GPGSV – Detailed GPS satellite information
$GPGLL – Geographic Latitude and Longitude
$GPRMC – Essential GPS pvt (position, velocity, time) data
$GPVTG – Velocity made good

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